Discussion and study of the historic trails which cross West Texas.

What Is
West Texas Trails Association?

What is West Texas Trails Association?

West Texas Trails Association is a non-profit association serving as a forum for the recognition, discussion, and study of the diverse historical trails which cross West Texas and connect to the surrounding areas.

We encourage individuals, groups, and organizations to share their research, knowledge, and scholarship with each other to increase the understanding of the historic trails of western Texas, and report the effects those trails on the economy, societies, and settlement of West Texas and the surrounding areas.

West Texas Trails Association encompasses the geographical areas of Texas west of Interstate Highway 35E and other adjacent areas of Texas and the Southwestern United States which share the diverse trails system into or out of the West Texas area.

Join the Association! Annual membership is $30 per person.

October 19 - Graham, TX

Our 2019 conference with presentations on various historic trails will be held at North Central Texas College in Graham (928 Cherry Street), beginning at 8:00 AM, Saturday, October 19. Presentations begin at 9 AM. Local first-time attendees are free. Please come! Here's the schedule.